Press Play With
Captivating Event & Product Videography.
Carefully crafted video can engage, inspire, and stimulate – whether it’s a recruitment video that reaches the very best talent, or a stunning capture of your fairy-tale wedding. Whatever you have in mind, our videography services can transform imagination into interaction.
We’re a family-run production company with bespoke videography services for every budget. With a passion for people and their stories, we’re driven by a commitment to creating impeccable video content every time we pick up the camera.
Have an idea, product or event that deserves a platform? Let’s talk.

Tell Your Tale
Engaging Event Videography Services.
From magical weddings to beautiful funerals , some events are worth remembering. With professional videography services, our passionate team can help you do just that.
Once we’ve understood the specific needs of your project or event, we’ll get to work conceptualising, filming and editing – all so we can transform an extra-special occasion into captivating video footage.
Were you looking for events live streaming? We’re experts in that, too.

Make Waves With
Powerful Product Videography Services.
Let us breathe life into your product launch and promotional materials with seamless product videography, the content all companies are looking for to attract attention, skyrocket their social media reach and give their lead generation a helping hand.
We’re a creative bunch here at Story House Productions, so you can trust our product videography to help you command and convert customers.
We can also take great photographs of your products, if you’d like.

Engage. Inspire. Encourage.
Compelling Corporate Videography Services.
Whether you’re looking for an inspiring recruitment video or attention-grabbing product demonstration, our videography services for businesses offer a bespoke yet affordable way to increase brand awareness.
Why We’re Great.
When you work with us at Story House Productions, we’re confident you’ll love the experience. Here’s why.
We’re an independent production company with a deep passion for video (and delivering next-level services to our clients).
Whether you want to show off a project or relive your wedding again and again, you can trust our event and product videography to put a smile on your face.
With years of hands-on experience and high-grade videography equipment, we’ve got all the tools to impress.
We’ll always keep your vision, needs and budget at the heart of our videography services, ensuring your experience with us is completely bespoke.
We value honesty, and we know you do, too. That’s why we’ll always be open about what we’re doing, what we can achieve and how much it’ll cost.
Let’s Talk.
Together, let’s create something special. Share your details and we’ll be in touch to walk you through our event, brand and product videography services in more detail.